We are a church that is gathered around the Word to grow in Christ, belong to His body, and show His glory.

Our regular weekly gatherings are centered around the Word of God. When we come together as a church, we seek to grow as disciples of Jesus.

We believe that growth happens best in a community. Believers in Jesus are meant to belong to the body of Christ.

As we belong, we simultaneously mature and help others grow into faithful disciples of Jesus.


Sunday School | Sundays @ 10 AM

We gather for Sunday School every Sunday at 10. There are classes for all ages from nursery through adults. All ages are doing Bible study where we work our way through a book of the Bible. Week-by-week we engage with the truth of God’s word using the 5 Question Bible Study Method.

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Sunday Worship | Sundays @ 11 AM

This service serves as the main gathering of our church. Here the Scriptures are read, prayed, sung, and proclaimed in our gathering. This Word-centered worship is the focal point of our church’s regular weekly rhythm. We believe that physically gathering is an essential element of the health and mission of the church.


Midweek | Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM

We gather on Wednesday evenings to sing, pray, and learn from the Word. There are groups for all ages from nursery to adults.

We begin at 6:30 in our sanctuary with worship, scripture reading, and prayer. We then split into individual age groups.

Our children and student groups are normally oriented around a teaching time. Our adults spend time praying for one another.